Making YOU Shine
Stand out and sparkle…

You know that phrase, “Use it or Lose it?” Well, if you got it, flaunt it. And by “it,” I mean a logo! Your logo!
In the Talent Stacker project Abby and I created, we wanted to show off a Salesforce feature that can make your client feel like they’re getting the full custom experience. In the business world, you don’t want to be a Waldo. It doesn’t pay to be just someone in a crowd. We want our client to shine — stand out — be the elephant in the room — be the cool chick.

So we created a simple logo for our mock organization called, “The Giving Tree Foundation.” We were creating a Donation Management app and Salesforce is super into planting trees throughout the world so it’s just fitting that the org name incorporated both elements!

Ta-da! Hey, I said simple. I’m a Salesforce Magician, not a Graphic Artist.

So how did we get this cute little jpeg, png or tif to show up on our app like this? Woop, there it is!

Open a new browser that accesses the “behind the scenes” of Salesforce by clicking on the Gear icon in the top right corner and then select Setup from the drop down menu.

From the Setup Home tab, type in Themes and Branding. Then click on “New Theme” in the top right corner.

A new screen will appear. Fill in the Theme Name (we named ours “The Giving Tree Foundation”) and upload the image (jpeg, png or tif) you want into the Brand Image section and select the company color using the Brand Color. Then click Save and be sure to Activate.

On the front facing Salesforce page that Users see, the image will appear in the top left corner and the background will update to the color selected in the Brand Color section.

Things to consider when using themes:
- Only one theme can be active at a time, and a theme applies to your entire org.
- By default, orgs use the built-in Lightning Blue theme.
- You can create up to 300 custom themes, but you can’t modify or clone the built-in themes provided by Salesforce.
- Themes don’t apply to Salesforce Classic or to mobile.
- Even if you haven’t selected the option to override themes in the App Manager, your app’s brand image and color always override the Lightning Lite and Lightning Blue themes.
Another way to personalize your app with your logo is to use Enhanced Letterhead when sending out emails. From the front facing page, click on the App Launcher and type in “letter,” then click on Enhanced Letterheads from the menu.

From the Enhanced Letterhead page, click on New. Enter in the Name, insert the image using the Insert Image icon, type in any information you want to appear in the header of the letterhead (eg general info — address, phone, email), then click Save.


Now, this Enhanced Letterhead can be added onto any Email Template. From the front facing page, click on the App Launcher and type in “template,” then click on Email Templates from the menu. Select the email template you want to add the Enhanced Letterhead to and click in the Enhanced Letterhead box within the Email Template. You should be able to select the Enhanced Letterhead — ours was called “The Giving Tree.”

When emails are sent using the Email Template, the enhanced letterhead will appear at the top of the email and they will look professional!

Now you’re ready to take that leap of faith so you can be in a bowl, I mean League, of your own! Come back next week to learn about other features we built in our Talent Stacker project.
