Top Secret: Case
Undercover to solve the Web to Case mystery

Shhh, we don’t want to be discovered. We’re on a mission to unravel the mystery of (dah-dah-DAH!) Web to Case.
Web to Case is how you can publicly post a simple web page that allows your customers to submit cases directly into Salesforce. No entering data manually!

A case can be a complaint, an issue with a product, etc— it’s a way for someone to get in touch with your organization without a person having to physically take a call. The web form is always available and when the information is submitted, it creates a case record with an assigned case number and gets stored in the queue on the Case tab.

In the Hawaii Literacy project, no one was submitting complaints or questions, but the organization does want their tutors to report the work accomplished within a month. It’s not that they’re being nosy; the org needs the information to get grants. So we brainstormed and found a creative solution by using a Web to Case form for the Monthly Report to capture all the data.

Each case number represents a month’s worth of work between a tutor and a student. In addition to the basic information, we included questions about Assessment tests, Student Goals and what Milestones the students achieved. All key metrics Hawaii Literacy needs to report for grants. Individual cases look like this…

In my previous blog about Web to Lead (Oh la la!) I went through how to create the HTML and it’s basically the same steps except now we need to choose the Web to Case options instead of Web to Lead.

Select your fields, enter the URL return page, opt (or not — if you like SPAM) for reCAPTCHA, and generate.

Grab the HTML code (copy all the text)

Paste it into the All Sites/Workspace/Builder to format.

The HTML code is giving the value entered on the form a map to where it needs to go once the form is submitted. It’s like Waze for fields by referencing the field’s ID. An ID is like an address and each field has a unique ID — just like your home. You can see the ID in the highlighted code line below; it’s the 15 digit “00N3g000000j4pi.”

In this example, the value entered into the “Student Name” form field is directed to go to the “Student Name” field on the Case within Salesforce.

Ta-da, Boo Boo Bear found it’s way home to the Student Name field on the Case within Salesforce. Pretty cool, huh?

But how does a volunteer get access to this monthly report form? Easy peazy lemon squeezy. An HTML page for the Monthly Report form was embedded directly onto the Hawaii Literacies website so any volunteer can access it. At. Any. Time. From. Anywhere.
The mystery is finally solved! Join me next week to discover a new feature on the Hawaii Literacy project.